Time for the news! We’ve got news for you on BEOWULF, Forest Dragon Farmer, Handimonsters and A|State.
A|State Pledge Manager Is Now Open!

The A|State Pledge Manager is open now. If you’ve been interested in A|State this is your opportunity to join the project and join us in The City. A|State is a game about improving your small slice of a dystopian urban landscape, using a custom Forged in the Dark ruleset that makes caring about your fellow Troublemakers as important as anything else.
We have ordered the production runs of The Three Coins and associated metal coins, the compass and the playmat so everything is in process.

For details on these items, go to the Pledge Manager and scroll down – each add-on has a section all about it!

Final development is in progress and the project remains on track for a June 2022 release.

Digital Pack 5 is available to everyone today! Head over to DriveThru to pick it up!
More details are available here!
Work continues on The Triple Serpent from Gareth Hanrahan. Here’s a quick sneak peek!

With The Triple Serpent, we will have completed our commitments for the stretch goals from the Kickstarter. However, we don’t have any intention of stopping BEOWULF development. We’re currently investigating our options, including a subscription model, like we use for Handimonsters. Let us know what you would like: respond on our socials, or visit our Discord.
Discord-wise, if you’re not a member, just point your browser at www.discord.me/handiworkgamers and that will generate you an invite. Sometimes you have to cut and paste for the bot to do its magic.
For shipping news, we have not yet received any more updates, so it seems like the books are still in Miami. We realise this is very frustrating but we also know that everyone is working as hard as they can to clear the backlog and we’re hoping to learn any day that they’re on their way to the warehouse.
We reaching our first anniversary with the Handimonsters project soon and we’ve got a special announcement coming soon. We are also wrapping up our releases for Legions of Autumn with our latest release, the Lord of Autumn themself!

And Monday releases will continue – we have one more member of the Legions to release, then a couple more Dungeon Constructs, another Member of the Wildfolk (plus bonus material to use them as player-character origins) and a special end-of-November (and our production year) release of a BEOWULF: Age of Heroes monster that also makes a dangerous foe for Handimonsters!
When you join www.handimonsters.com you support us and our work, plus you’ll gain access to our entire backcatalogue of 5e monsters and receive a new monster every Monday!
Forest Dragon Farmer

The Forest Dragon Farmer is in final development. We’ll have more news for you soon!
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