There are a wide range of BEOWULF adventures out right now in PDF:
Horror at Herrogate by Marco Rafala
Witches and the Wyrm by Jon Hodgson
Seven Stones by Elaine Lithgow
The Elfshot by Jacob Rodgers
Ear of Stone by KC Shi
The Triple Serpent By Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
BEOWULF: Horror at Herrogate by Marco Rafala

Horror at Herrogate is a full length adventure for BEOWULF: Age of Heroes, and is out now in PDF.
Word reaches our Hero that the remote fishing settlement of Herrogate, and the treasure seat of its lord Thorfinn, are plagued by a dreadful dréag. But is all quite as it seems?

Masterfully written by Marco Rafalà (The One Ring RPG, Star Trek Adventures, Lex Arcana) and beautifully illustrated by Jon Hodgson (The One Ring RPG, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Historical), Horror at Herrogate is suitable for Heroes of level 3 to 4.
Full use of the scenario requires the BEOWULF: Age of Heroes book, though there are plenty of ideas to mine for other settings.

Horror at Herrogate includes:
• A 32 page fully illustrated adventure
• Three (optional to use) poster-sized battle maps
• VTT tokens
• New Follower cards
• A separate PDF of NPC portraits to show players
The Witches and the Wyrm by Jon Hodgson

The snake will not die, and time does not turn properly. Three witches summon the Hero to do their bidding, and conquer the defiant serpent.

The Witches and the Wyrm is an epic adventure for one player and one GM written by Jon Hodgson and Jacob Rodgers using the rules and setting of BEOWULF age of Heroes. This adventure is suitable for Heroes of levels 3-4
Grab it now at DrivethruRPG.

Seven Stones by Elaine Lithgow
Seven Stones takes us to a desperate settlement, living in terror of a dreadful monster. The village lies on a rocky peninsula blasted by frigid winds, and here, people have lived in fear of the Stoor Wurm for generations…

Written by Elaine Lithgow, and with art from Jon Hodgson, Paul Bourne and Scott Purdy, Seven Stones provides a wealth of NPCs to meet, locations to explore and adversaries to battle. At 33 pages long, illustrated in full colour, it comes with VTT battle maps and tokens so that if you can’t play in person, you can play on the virtual tabletop of choice.

With an open-ended finale, it really is up to the player to solve the mystery of what is going on at The Spearhead and determine how best to resolve it.

Seven Stones is out now.
The Elf Shot by Jacob Rodgers

Giorsala’s hall stands empty; her warriors’ gear still in their racks; childrens’ toys scattered on the playfield. All the people are gone but still it feels like something is watching you…

Penned by Jacob Rodgers (The One Ring RPG, Ruins of Symbaroum), beautifully illustrated by Jon Hodgson (The One Ring RPG, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Historical), and Scott Purdy (Numenera, Pathfinder) The Elfshot is suitable for Heroes of level 4 to 5.

Ear of Stone by KC Shi

In this adventure for ENnie-Nominated BEOWULF Age of Heroes, our Hero arrives at the isle of Hreodan, where bonds of family and tradition are in grave peril, and danger lurks just beneath the surface…

Hreodan is an island protected from both storms and reavers by its resident guardian spirit. Those of the Book think the spirit is an angel sent by God, while those of the Old Ways say it is a holmgaast, or sea spirit, haunting the island and surrounding waters. Most residents of the island don’t see why it can’t be both. Whatever the spirit’s true nature, its protection makes Hreodan an ideal location for sailors to resupply and trade, earning the island’s meadhall the nickname of Wayfarer’s Rest.
Or so it was, until Hreodan’s guardian turned against it.

Check out Ear of Stone by KC Shi at DrivethruRPG now!
The Triple Serpent by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan

Of old in Ireland, there was the Fianna. A full accounting of the deeds of this band of heroes is too long to write here; be assured they were many and glorious. Every man and woman of the Fianna was supremely skilled in one fashion or another, and all were peerless warriors. They travelled the length and breadth of the island of Ireland, fighting monsters and performing marvellous feats that are still retold in poetry and prose to this day.
All that, though, was long long ago. The time of the Fianna has passed; all but two were slain in the bloody slaughter of the battle of Gabhra, and that was five hundred years ago if it’s a day. Ireland is a holy country now, an island of saints and scholars, converted to the Church by Saint Patrick and his followers. On this isle, the Age of Heroes is passing, and soon all that remains will be the stories recorded by the monks in their great books.
But while Heroes may be fading from Ireland, there are still monsters…
Written by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan (The One Ring RPG, Dracula Dossiers) and beautifully illustrated by Jon Hodgson (The One Ring RPG, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Historical), and Scott Purdy (Numenera, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Pathfinder), is suitable for Heroes of level 5 to 6.
Check out The Triple Serpent by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan on DrivethruRPG now!
About BEOWULF: Age of Heroes
Successfully funded on Kickstarter, BEOWULF: Age of Heroes presents duet play for one GM and one player in an epic mythic setting of migration era Europe (also known as “The Dark Ages”). Find out more here.