Handiwork Games

Missed the Maskwitches Quickstarter? Grab a pre-order now! The PDF will be sent to you within a working day. Or grab the PDF on its own – it’s out now at DrivethruRPG.

It’s Christmas in July over at DrivethruRPG, and a bunch of our titles are currently discounted for the next two weeks!

The Burn is out now!
Dive into memory, childhood and folklore with this experimental setting for the story telling game The Silver Road.

Jon keeps a blog about all the behind the scenes info from the making of Maskwitches of Forgotten Doggerland.

There are articles about making, previews of the new art, thoughts on game design and more!

Did you miss the recent Jon Hodgson Backdrops kickstarter? Fear not! Pre-orders for all the books are open now!

Cold City and Hot War are coming back.
Find out more.

We make:

This is the story of how you fight back…
Ride the Whale Road in this 1 on 1 5e setting
Become a maskwitch and protect the community
Create amazing stories with your friends
Who do you trust?
5e torn apart in this deep reaching horror hack
Explore the forest! Push your luck! Drink Ghost Milk!
Keep up with the tune! Bangin’ and Twangin’

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