Cold City Hot War Reports

These regular free reports bring you behind-the-scenes info, extra historical inspiration, and ideas on things to read to learn more about the Cold War period: the setting for both Cold City and Hot War.

These reports are also available for free download at, where they will be added to your DrivethruRPG cloud library at no charge, for easy access from all your devices.

You can also buy a collection of the first 6 Reports here.

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Report One November 2023

In Report One, Malcolm Craig takes a look at the actual cold, and its unexpected influence on the Cold War. There’s an introduction to the new editions, and a reading list for those who want to go deeper.

Report Two December 2023

In Report Two author Malcolm Craig talks answers the question “Will there be any changes?” in the new edition. And the answer is yes. And in History Report Two, Malcolm has further reading recommendations on the topic of all history being provisional…

Report Three January 2024

In this third free PDF, author Malcolm Craig takes a look at upcoming changes to the mechanics of the game, as well as a look at the technology of the Cold War era in which these two RPGs are set.

Report Four February 2024

In this fourth free PDF, author Malcolm discusses the “Bren Gun Effect” and the Strath Report.

Report Five March 2024

In the fifth report, Malcolm discusses the fruits of the first play tests of the new edition, and the so-called “Malayan Emergency”.

Report Six May 2024

This is the sixth Cold City/Hot War report.  These regular free PDF reports will bring you behind-the-scenes info, extra historical inspiration, and ideas on things to read to learn more about the Cold War period.