Hello everyone! We have some fantastic updates for you from the worlds of Jon Hodgson Maps, Handimonsters and BEOWULF!
First up, let’s talk about the BEOWULF Annual 2022. This is a compilation of the Digital Packs and other bonus releases, all collected together for your convenience in a gorgeous print book.

It has a variety of resources contained within, including new Followers, Gifts, and Burdens, advance on Hero creation, resources for magical items and weapons, plus much. much more!
We’re expecting stock to arrive with us this week, and we’ll share photos as soon as it arrives!
Get the full-colour perfect-bound book (with free PDF) here: here
Or pick up the PDF directly: here
Trials of the Twin Seas Cover Reveal

We’re delighted to announce a new product for BEOWULF: The Trials of the Twin Seas. This adventure anthology will collect our digital adventure releases (including the Triple Serpent, see below) in a print edition. We’re going to use this opportunity to make additions and revisions to our adventures, so they’ll be improved and expanded from their original versions. We’ll bring the Trials of the Twin Seas to Kickstarter soon!
The Triple Serpent

Written by Gareth Hanrahan, the Triple Serpent is our final digital adventure that was unlocked during the original BEOWULF Kickstarter. It’s a complex adventure based on mythology from Gar’s native Ireland and we’re sure you will enjoy it!
If you’ve missed any of the already released BEOWULF adventures, grab them here.
Character Queue
Waelwulf was our latest Hero to be featured on Character Queue! With him, the series is coming to at least a pause, but we’ll have a new series of feature articles to reveal next week.
Handimonster News!
We’ve got some awesome fan feedback to check out, and then we want to remind everyone about the Handimonster Annual.
Scenery Monsters

Jared Rascher has an interesting analysis of our brand new scenery monsters over on Twitter. A creation of Jon’s imagination, scenery monsters come with simple mechanics and easy adjudication so you can some colour to a scene without a lot of overhead.
Handimonsters Annual 2022

Speaking of lots of material with low overhead, this book collects our Handimonsters output from the previous year, giving you a wide variety of 5e monsters.
You can order the full-colour perfect-bound book (with free PDF) from our website: here
Or you can get the PDF directly: here
Jon Hodgson Maps
We have a brand-new VTT scenery map pack to celebrate:

This set of bridge .png files can be arranged in any number of ways in the VTT platform of your choice, to create endlessly varied river crossings. There are long and short stone bridges, broken down stone bridges, rope bridges, wooden bridges, a ford and stepping stones.
These all work on a background that is compatible with the Northern Wilderness Construction set. There are tokens to create pebble banks, and grassy river banks, and two widths of river. In total there are 17 pngs of bridges and 13 tokens to create the scenery underlying your bridge. As a bonus there are also 4 premade maps using these assrts and some bonus items from the Northern Wilderness Construction set by way of example.
Get it now: here!