Here at Handiwork we produce lots of economical products that support our larger offerings. Here’s a few things we offer that make quick and easy gifts for anyone on your holidays list.
Huge Dice

For BEOWULF: Age of Heroes we produced a series of extra-large dice to work with our Wyrd alignment/advantage system. But they’re impressive enough to use for any d20-based game!

Another bonus item we unlocked during the BEOWULF Kickstarter was a series of professionally sculpted miniatures. If you’re looking for unique Migration Era/Viking minis, we’ve got a fabulous set for you! Available in cast white metal and STL files for printing (resin machine highly recommended).
The Forest Dragon Games

We’ve been talking about The Forest Dragon Farmer and Pie Man’s Apprentice recently, but our original games are excellent fun, with lots of expansion opportunities.
Check them out here.
Dice Trays

We also have a set of foldable dice trays featuring art from our games and some historical art pieces from former products.
Learn more about the dice trays here.