It’s the full campaign video for Cold City Hot War! We launch TOMORROW!
You might have seen the short trailer for Cold City Hot War in black and white. But which is best? We are literally arguing about this. Full colour or black and white? Let us know on Facebook or Bluesky.
This article was original posted in February 2024. We’re in the process of moving the Making Maskwitches blog here to our own site, and thought it would be fun to revisit them in the order they were made, a year ago in 2024. You can browse all the entries as they appear with this tag:
Let’s talk about some practical behind the scenes stuff. I have some more to say about the philosophy and meaning of the Maskwitches project, but today has been a building day.Â
I finally caved and invested some money in some proper photography lights this week. I’ve now got a couple of LED panels. Not the most expensive, but also not the cheapest. I spent a couple of hundred pounds. The array of choice is wild – you can easily spend thousands on lights.
We’re moving the Making Maskwitches blog from its current provider back to our own blog. And we thought, why not just rerun the fun and post each article as it’s moved?
You’ll eventually be able to browse all of the Making Maskwitches entries using this tag:
First up, it’s back to the start today and the heady days of:
FEB 17, 2024
Who is this?
My name is Jon Hodgson. I’ve been working on the tabletop games and print media industry for 25 years. I’ve also worked in TV and film, and spend many years as a props maker.
The Maskwitches mask generator has been updated with a load of new components making its results even more varied and versatile! Free to use, and fun to just play around with, the mask generator lets you recombine lots of different elements to make masks for your witch character. With a bit of Blue Peter level craft knowhow, you can even print them out and use them as props at the gaming table!
Also brand new today is the Witch Generator. This web app takes the tables within the Maskwitches book and automates them, creating characters at a click of a button. We’ve focused on utility here, with the text easy to copy and paste to edit as you see fit.
But I mean, I think the the Cold War era has obviously appeared in a lot of, a lot of games of different kinds, but I don’t think it’s been as much of a setting as a period in games as, as you would expect it to be. There have been a lot of games, but I think, I mean, because gaming is dominated by fantasy and science fiction, you know, that’s a given. So yes, I think it’s an area of interest to me.
I’m now a Cold War historian and, it was great to be doing games that kind of bring in elements of that history and of the period that I kind of research and going to write about.
I think it’s quite exciting. Like the sort of espionage model is it’s not under-used. You know, we could list out loads and loads of spy games and so on.
But it’s something that really appeals to me in kind of the genre as a whole in wider media is you can’t just storm in killing folks, you know, you can’t. That game, that great game stuff where nobody wants to break cover, nobody wants to reveal anything. And if you do, you kind of lose, right? As soon as you take a definitive action.
You know, the Soviet Union has planned for all of these outcomes, right? It’s that stuff. So you’ve just got to play this really, really canny game. I love that. I think it’s really next level stuff. Really good.
I mean, the thing is about a lot… I’m not disparaging any espionage style games, but, I mean, a lot of games are about, say, espionage in the Cold War era.
They’re not actually about any of the themes and ideas and stuff to do with that. They’re just a game with a list of Cold War era guns, right? You know, there’s, you know, they don’t have the the Cold War and secrecy and trust and tension and hidden agendas aren’t embedded in the game. They’re not driving play and Cold City and Hot War are the opposite of that.
All of these things are embedded into the way the game plays and the mechanics of the games themselves.
Really good. I really, I really want these games. We better fund on the old Kickstarter because I really want to play it like from the book that we’re making. Fingers crossed.
I think it’s really interesting that you talked about the early 2000s indie scene. I think it seems weirdly, we talk about this a little bit., it seems weirdly forgotten in some quarters. I know, certainly in the UK, roleplaying game scene, there are a great many creators, and I’m not disparaging anyone when I say this, who were children then because we’re really old, right?
So they’re not aware necessarily of things like the Collective Endeavour, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got my haircut earlier and it was just so grey and I was like, whose hair Is that? Where’s this hair coming from? Let’s it’s oh, it’s mine!
I have, you know, read professionally, several histories of role playing games. Some of them came out recently and they all the all tend to be quite US-centric. Now, of course, the vast majority of the roleplay games industry in the English language speaking world, it’s been centred in the US. That’s unavoidable.
There’s a certain kind of eliding of of the UK scene in that period, people forget there some really important games and designers emerged from that 2000 up to 2010 period of design where people remember rightly, figures like, you know, Vincent and Meg Baker, you know, in the US, you know, Emily, Emily Care-Boss Paul Czege and the like.
But the conversation never seems to include a lot of the important designers. Gregor Hutton I mean, for God’s sake, you know, and you know, who emerged from the UK scene as well.
It’s always had its own sort of aesthetics, hasn’t it? The UK scene, I think, which is it’s always provided an interesting, you know, in, in line with the way the UK, I tend to think tends to work with the American market or American ideas.
You know, I think it’s quite an interesting interplay. It’s nothing to do with this game. But that’s what you get! It’s good. So all good. Yeah. It’s been interesting to to come back to it and, and it’s been very interesting for me in reading the text [of Cold City and Hot War]. I had no idea and purposely had no idea what was from the original version. I’ve been purposefully ignorant of the original version in order to to to read the new one, right?
That’s been quite important to me. It’s, you know, we’re starting from scratch. This isn’t this isn’t a nostalgia game. I mean, I’m very glad to see there’s so many people that fondly remember the original games and they’re like the bedrock of what we’re doing.
But if you don’t know anything about those original games, that’s fine. You don’t need to, and you don’t have to be old.
I like that we’re doing them because they’re still good games and they’re going to be even better games with these revisions. They’re going to be more accessible. They’re going to be more playable, going to be easier to play, more satisfying play experiences. You know, the there’s going to be a lot of meat there.
And these are not just kind of like, I don’t know, let’s resurrect these two games from 2006 and 2008. No, they’re I mean, they’re going to be worthwhile in the modern gaming marketplace. They’re still solid games and really good, fun games.
You know, it’s not necessarily a given. Right? So sometimes you say like, I want to play this now it’s sold. Okay. We’ll just go and play it.
It was really funny. Well, doing this playtest with the students, I had not run a game of any kind for about it’s at least a decade, 10 to 10, 12 years.
And it was really funny getting back into it, even with my own game. But actually it all came back and I was like, oh, hang on a minute, this is much easier. This game I’ve created is actually quite good at making my job really, really easy. I felt a certain burden of responsibility that the students had signed up to do this on their own time.
I’m one of their lecturers, so I don’t want to look like a complete idiot in front of them, not having the faintest idea what I’m doing. And I, I was I was really surprised. I was like, oh, I’d forgotten how much fun this was, right? You know, doing this kind of thing was great.
It’s always if you’re running your own game, I always think it’s just terrifying because if you’re running a game you’ve bought, you can go, oh, this game’s bad because of this thing in it. We don’t understand. This is badly written or this was poorly presented or I couldn’t find this bit in the book. But if it’s your own game, you don’t get any of those kind of excuses to to just grease the wheels, you know?
Yeah, yeah. But the writing I think is really important. And this is where we’ve been, we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background in the taking. The the games have been both heavily rewritten, but I think you and I did bits of conversations and with Morgan and Gregor as well, where there needed to be greater clarity in the text because originally these games, you know, came out of this mid 2000s indie small press scene where there was lots of assumptions about what happened, and the language.
And the games are now, I think, much clearer, and, more accessible to someone who perhaps isn’t familiar with a game such as this. You can pick it up and read it and go, oh, I know how to play and or run this game. And that’s been a really satisfying part of this entire process of creating the new editions is making them better in terms of that level of accessibility and the engagement that people can have with them.
I know my own contribution has largely been to go, I don’t know what that is. I don’t know what that is. You know, but that’s the useful thing, isn’t it, to have some of that. I don’t I don’t get it. Which, you know, that I’ve made lemonade out of my own inability.
But yeah. No, I think that’s really, you know, so I go I mean, that’s really sorry. I keep talking over you, Jon.
That’s really useful. I keep saying to students when I’m marking essays or giving advice about essays, right. For an informed but non-expert audience. Right? Yeah. Yeah. This kind of physician heal myself kind of things like, like I need to pay more attention to that of writing for a non-expert audience in writing about the procedures and mechanics and the way, the way these games games play.
Oh, yeah. So I don’t know if we can answer this, but in the game you’ve got your characters, you’ve got your situation. It’s like a scene. What are you doing as a player? What are you manipulating, to make the game work? What do the mechanics do?
If that’s possible to answer in a brief, concise manner?
Yeah. So, like, you play your character most obviously, push for conflict, make the make the mechanics work for you.
Push the conflict so that it shoves the story along in interesting directions you might not have expected. You don’t you don’t be prejudging, matters like, oh, we you know, we want this to happen. You might want this to happen, but that’s maybe what doesn’t happen. So, you know, engage: you’ll have all this stuff that you’ve created, start on the table in front of you, engage with that stuff like, oh, right, we’ve got this antagonist Geisler.
Okay. I want to like, go and find this Kniepe, a bar that we know Geisler in the 1930s, used to be a regular patron of. I wonder if anyone remembers him? Or of there’s anyone who’s met him? Great. That’s a brilliant idea for a scene. Good. Let’s go there. We end up at the Kniepe you know, so you know that that kind of stuff of just really driving things forwards in collaboration with everyone at the table, using the stuff you’ve set up, using the conflict mechanics to drive the story forward and just create interesting, exciting, unexpected moments in the game.
Our playtest totally did not go in the direction anyone ever thought it would, and it just was a brilliant and satisfying story in the end.
Nice. So I take it players. they’re setting, like a goal for what their characters kind of want to achieve? The GM is laying out the territory, if you like, of the scene in a bunch of different ways, and then are you rolling dice to determine how things go?
Yeah. So I mean, in both Hot War and Cold City, all the characters have hidden agendas and these are personal, hidden agendas with some somethings personally driving them and you have in Cold City something called a national hidden agenda, something they’ve been told by their bosses back home to do, generally something that’s going to come in conflict with everybody else.
So you know, the GM, control as they are known, should be looking at these hidden agendas and thinking, okay, how can I push them? You know, if I’m kind of setting up a scene or bringing people in, how can I push the hidden agendas? The players be thinking, okay, how can I advance my hidden agendas and get mechanical benefit from doing that, probably be more successful in a conflict and all that kind of thing.
So yeah, that kind of stuff is is really important. Everything, whether it’s the overarching sense of the Cold War or the breakdown of society after a nuclear war, hidden agendas, trust, who the characters actually are. All these have a mechanical contribution that has outcomes through conflict, and changes the story and changes the characters.
So what was the situation we were just talking about? So you know what we’re talking about. So you’ve got your players, you’ve got the characters worked out that your students were playing these kind of, technocrat scientists and so on in Berlin. What was the situation that they came up with?
So we were playing a very noir ish, dark, smoky, tension filled, game where they were, ordered by their superiors. Actually one of their superiors, a French woman who’s one of the people in charge of the secret organisation called Justine Cabret, known as the cadaver inside the organisation. And, it’s just writing itself. Yeah, they were they were trying to, hunt down a former SS officer, kind of fringe science figure who is supposedly died in 1945, a guy called Karl Geisler.
But Geisler had been seen around there been rumours and the secret organization really want to get their hands on Geisler. So that was the core of it. And it started. The entire thing started in medias res, with them running through the streets of Berlin, chasing someone that they’d been to interview because he thought they thought they might know where Guy Geisler is.
So we started with a chase scene. That’s what it kicked off as, and yet all just spiralled from there with, you know, meetings in British Army barracks with the senior commanders of of Soviet forces and British forces and American and French forces, you know, cocktails and champagne, but everything going horribly wrong. So it was it was great.
It was a really fantastic set up for a game.
So this is yeah, it’s really collaborative, right? It’s not as straightforward as the GM has a prepared scenario… a pre-pared. That’s quite nice. Pre-paring knife prepared scenario in front of them that you kind of run the players through. Everyone’s throwing stuff in. It’s that kind of game right?
Yes. Or I mean, or if you’re say running a convention game, the person GMIng can sit down and prepare the situation themselves. And in in the games themselves, there will be a set of pre-prepared situations. So if you just want to go like, oh, let’s just can like create some characters and play this game, you can just whip this prepared situation out and go like, let’s play this one, too.
Or you can do the complete creation system. But doing this with students was such immense fun. One of the players, Amy, had never played a role playing game before. And her character was this American. The character was, she was a scientist, an American scientist. And she ended up becoming this, you know, schnapps drinking, stone cold killer over the series of the of the three sessions, because of all the stuff she’d been exposed to, Amy played it brilliantly. She was a really, really great, kind of like you saw the changes in this character’s perspectives and ideas over just like three weeks of play. It was fantastic experience.