What a bunch of news we have for you today! There are updates on Forest Dragon games, Handimonsters, a|state, and BEOWULF: Age of Heroes.
BEOWULF: Age of Heroes

Digital Pack 6
We have released our sixth set of digital add-ons for BEOWULF. This is the first one backers are not getting free as part of their pledges. It’s packed with PDF articles, maps, VTT tokens, and music.
Purchase it here.

BEOWULF US Fulfillment
Packages continue to wing their way across the country and our warehouse will continue to pack and ship backers’ rewards, with a bit of an interruption for Thanksgiving. We hope to have our shipping done early next month.

Late pledges for a|state are closing soon! Our kickstarter for this early 2000s British RPG classic smashed all expectations, and there’s a small window left to make a late pledge.
In a|state you’ll band together to try to make a life in your corner of the endless City better, bringing the ability to Care to Forged in the Dark games.
As you’d expect from Handiwork, there’s a host of useful and beautiful accessories available to check out at the late pledge page.


This week we released our last Dungeon Construct of the year, the Throne Mimic for Handimonsters. Enchanted with the power to draw creatures to itself, it then grabs and devours them. You can get it and over 50 other monsters at www.handimonsters.com!
We are also hard at work at assembling the annual, a print compilation of our first year of Handimonsters that will collect all of our beautiful art and tricky monsters into a physical form. We’ll have more to talk about here soon.
Forest Dragon Games

Let’s take a quick look at the Forest Dragon Farmer. In the game, you collect crops by growing them. This requires a Field, some Seeds, and a Helper. Each of them need to match (for example each of the above cards have a green plant symbol, so this is a matching set). Keep making sets in order to win the game!
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