This morning we were struck by the volume of ABSOLUTE LEGENDARY POWERHOUSES of Scottish role-playing games that will be right there in the halls this weekend!
Dave Allsop and Jared Earle will be on the Nightfall Games booth. SLA Industries is an absolute legend of Scottish roleplaying – the quintessential Glasgow-informed splatterpunk gorefest, where something way more intelligent lies underneath it’s mega-violent outer trappings. As well as creator of SLA Industries, Dave is an iconic contributor to Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering. In addition to writing on SLA, Jared does layout for a variety of hit games, including recently Carbon Grey, nominated for an ENnie award for its production values.
SLA, Demon Dog and Terminator RPGs will all be at their compact and bijou booth. So packed with good stuff it’s like a black hole of talent wait what
And SLA was in many ways one of the guiding lights for a|state – arguably the RPG Falkirk to SLA’s Glasgow. Malcolm Craig and Paul Bourne, the creators of first and second editions of a|state, Cold City and Hot War will be at the Handiwork booth. Malcolm was a founding member of The Collective Endeavour in the early 2000s, which paved the way for much of what we find in the current UK indie scene.
These four characters have a massive depth of industry experience, and are always happy to chat and share what they’re up to right now.
Also around will be me, Jon Hodgson. Of course I’m way too humble to mention it, but I’ve twice been invited as an Industry Insider Guest of Honour at US Gen Con, I know a thing or two about making games and I’m probably best know for my art in The One Ring first edition, Dragon Warriors, D&D and all that jazz. While sadly born in England, I’ve been living in Scotland 20+ years, so I guess am tolerated as “part of it”. I run Handiwork Games, publishers of a|state, BEOWULF, Maskwitches of Forgotten Doggerland and other fine gaming books. We’ll have (almost) all our fine gaming products available at the show!
Next door to Handiwork Games are Pelgrane Press, and Cat Tobin has a long connection to Scottish RPGs, in fact a very early contributor to a|state! Now of course uses her time much more fruitfully running the mighty ENnie awards-hoover that is Pelgrane Press, out of Ireland. Cat is a legend, and a guiding star to anyone looking to run a values-led publishing games company.
Legendary games designer Gregor Hutton will be around too- Gregor was instrumental in the second edition of a|state – the very initial conversations about making it happen, and bringing it to Forged in the Dark occurred right at Tabletop Scotland! Gregor is perhaps best known for being awesome, but also for 3:16 – an absolute smash hit RPG coming right out of Edinburgh.
There’s a vast depth of talent hidden in the TTS trade hall, be sure you don’t miss out if you’re looking for advice on publishing games, or want to catch up with what’s new.
Anyone from Tales of Gargentihr, the other big Scottish RPG of legend in attendance?