Morgan Davie is the creator of FiveEvil, and he’s got some things to share.
Hi all! I am buzzing after a really great bit of FiveEvil play and I just wanted to share the good energy!
As you know there are five scenarios in the FiveEvil: Fiendish 5E Horror core book, and this is the book’s closer. If this was a horror film festival this would be the Closing Night Special Screening, a crowd pleasing epic to send everyone out on a high.
The scenario is called Big Screamin’ Demons. It has a different tone to the others in the book. While horror almost always works well with humour laced through it, and most (but not all!) of the other scenarios will surely lead to hilarious moments at your table as you play, this is the only one that actively leans into comedic tones. It’s still a horror film, but it plays big and wild and encourages the players to meet it at that level. (FiveEvil, it contains multitudes!)
Here’s the summary:
You said you’d go to hell before you’d play with them again. Well, life is long and billionaires are rich and now you’re getting the band back together for a one-off payday that could change your life. One concert on a private island, you can manage that without going to hell. So long as hell doesn’t come to you instead…
Big Screamin’ Demons is an over-the-top horror rock opera with blood, guts, and monsters. It sets a big stage and then spills blood and guts all over it, with tongue in bloody cheek the whole time. Watch out, this one goes up to 11 on every single dial. Horns up!
Genre: Raucous bloody monster horror
Size: 3-6 players
Duration: 1-3 sessions
Play this if you like: Evil Dead 2, Cabin in the Woods, Brain Dead
We didn’t use pregenerated characters for this test, making our own from scratch. The players first came up with their characters as members of a rock band whose most popular song is called Big Screamin’ Demons. (They named the band ‘Creative Indifference’ which made me laugh and laugh) and worked out their personalities and relationships, all out in public with lots of cross-collaboration.
Then we jumped forward to the present day, 20 years on from the band’s acrimonious split, and everyone added another layer to their character to say where they had ended up. This layer was kept secret so they could discover what became of each other in play.
(Quick rules aside: FiveEvil characters have two descriptions, which are like a combination of 5E’s character class and background. Every scenario in the book is a demonstration of some of the different tools and options in the game, such as different ways of using descriptions. Here, one description is your present day life, and the other is your youth, lying dormant within you, ready to be reawakened… It works really well!)
With characters worked out, and some idea of why the band split up, we started to play. The game begins with all these middle-aged characters given an offer they can’t refuse to reunite for a special one-night concert on a private island. And I won’t go any further than that in terms of spoilers – there are some big twists and turns in here!
What I can say is that we’re two sessions deep, one session to go, and I am loving it. The first session was good fun and also informative (I see how I can streamline a bunch of early stages in the scenario and add some space for more fun action, which is exactly what a good test run can show you). But the second session, oh my gosh, that was a ride! It delivered everything I hoped for as all that character setup came roaring to the front of the action, and the players had an amazing time riffing off each other, enjoying the horror as well as the comedy, and just generally seizing on everything the scenario was built to do and making it sing.
One more session will bring this run to an end, and I am so excited! I expect Big Screamin’ Demons is going to get played a lot. I can’t wait to hear the name you give your band!
(This run is also the official end of FiveEvil playtesting! Extensive testing of all five scenarios over the last few years has been a huge part of the project, not just to make sure the scenarios all work well, but also to make sure the FiveEvil rules do their job. It’s been a long-running process and this is the very end of it, and I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who has taken part along the way. One more session to go…)
BEOWULF Digital Pack 17 is out now! We have the 11-page The Isle of the Warrior Woman by the renowned-for-his-redoubtableness Gareth Hanrahan which is just packed with stuff! AND an introduction to a new kind of BEOWULF adventure – the Trial.
We were delighted to be commissioned by Reisswitz Press to do the illustration, graphic design and layout for Midgard Heroic Battles, by James Morris.
We’ve worked with James in the past on his Warhammer Historical titles Age of Arthur and El Cid, so it was a delight to revisit the world of war-games in his company!
To be really clear: Midgard is a standalone war-game – it’s not a part of our own game lines. The book is full colour and soft back, coming in at 136 pages. Our stock is limited, so grab one now!
And from the world of improv theatre, Caitlin Penhey.
Look out for the full video of a session of a special version of Wakefield House, one of the scenarios included with FiveEvil releasing this week on YouTube!
In other FiveEvil news
We’ve received some lovely commentary on FiveEvil from Paul Beakley of the Indie game Reading Club. Check it out!
With Splinter Five now out we’d love to show you more close ups of the amazing art by Scott Purdy, but since it’s the final part of the scenario it’s all a bit spoilery. So let’s instead talk about the rules innovations that Morgue reveals in this final Splinter.
Firstly there’s new uses for Desperation. Desperation replaces Inspiration in FiveEvil, and it works in reverse. You take on the debt of Desperation to do things you’d do with Inspiration, and you’ll have to pay it back later. In Splinter Five, Morgue outlines some more of the things you can do with Desperation.
When you’re really up against it, the temptation to take a desperation point, which you’ll have to shed later by enacting predefined parts of your character (or suffer more later), becomes *really* tempting.
This gears *beautifully* into the rising DC via the Intensity mechanic, and creates this manic feel as things get worse and worse and your characters will take on these debts in order to survive.
An other major reveal in Splinter Five is “the verge”. This is really smart. The verge is the imaginary space where monsters “live” before the PCs encounter them. It allows them to move in parallel to the players, making checks, existing fully, but without revealing themselves. It’s a neat way of framing things, and keeps unseen enemies in motion while the scenario is happening. It’s some cool stuff!
Lastly Morgue details Hunt Encounters: a structure for play when the PCs are being hunted: a common trope in horror scenarios and a very necessary set of rules. While you can freestyle such encounters, offering a mechanical structure really brings something to the tension, and again meshes gears beautifully with the Intensity mechanic.
FiveEvil is our upcoming horror hack for 5th Edition. And make no mistake, it’s not just some 5e stats for some monsters and a spooky adventure seed or two.
It’s a thorough reworking of the very soul of 5th Edition, aimed at subverting what you know and expect to facilitate horror gaming. We’ve completely replaced combat, we’ve mutated the action economy, stat blocks are completely different, Inspiration becomes Desperation and more changes, both subtle and wide ranging switch up everything you’re familiar with to twist it into a whole new experience. You’ll know how to play, while play edges you out into the completely unfamiliar and unnerving.
FiveEvil gives you everything you need to play. Check out the slightly redacted contents page. We’ve removed any spoilers from the scenarios included, but these scenarios are worthy of mention. These aren’t just one-shot play throughs which you’ll use once and then never play again: these scenarios demonstrate important templates for FiveEvil play, and are packed with reusable play information and guidance.
• There is a bunch of support to learn more about this amazing horror hack of the fifth edition rules ahead of the crowd-funding launch:
• Get a free, playable scenario that builds in parts, alongside a ton of behind the scenes design notes and inspirations. We’re up to part four all in the single DrivethruRPG title.
• Check out Five Evil designer Morgue Davie interviewed by unpleasant skeleton Clive Evil.
• Sign up at the Campaign page to be notified on launch at the end of the month.
UPDATE: they are all now sold! Our apologies for any disappointment caused.
During an office reorganisation we’ve discovered 3 copies of the Dragon Warriors Deluxe Print set. Once these are gone, the set is done! If you’ve thought about getting one, this is the final opportunity. The set comes in a handsome box and includes a booklet and 8 professionally printed, signed A4 art prints.
The booklet has contributions from Dave Morris, and Ian Sturrock of Serpent King Games, as well as the artist’s behind the scenes thoughts on each cover painting from the Magnum Opus edition of DW.
UPDATE: they are all now sold! Our apologies for any disappointment caused.
You can get the evocative and unique core book in hardcover or softcover, and you can even choose the dramatic and evocative black and white version, Pine Pitch Black in hardcover.
There’s also:
The Meat Spoiler Story Scenario, in which the witches must resolve the differences in a lakeside community as winter approaches.
To the Ice Caves – a Maskwitches Journey book, packed full of inspiration for your games, and a new subsystem for manifesting a spirit guide from the ice.
Making Maskwitches – the behind the scenes ‘making of’ book, full of images and essays about the game and art.