The next chapter in BEOWULF: Age of Heroes is all about treasure. We divide treasure into non-magical and magical and encourage the Gamemaster to present non-magical treasure items in a variety of forms. Very little treasure is found in piles of easily divided coins.

We then provide a series of tables in order to pick (or randomly generate) a non-magical treasure description.
Magical treasures are next, divided into talismans and amulets. We note that while this is a necessary division for the mechanics of the game, the characters themselves may not see any difference (or conversely might categorise items differently, perhaps by their kind of function or what material they are constructed from).
Talismans are more common and we provide a complete list of example powers and descriptions. Amulets are more powerful, perhaps having charges or limited uses per day or season. We then provide a long list of example powers and suggestions for a magical treasure’s history.
Our next category covers magical weapons and armour, which heroes will naturally find of interest. We provide a list of various descriptors to do with the history of the gear, its description and provenance. All these combine to qualify the weapon or armour for magical bonuses. We also provide resources for naming weapons in a manner similar to examples found in the poem.
We also have healing items, with rules and examples for the Hero to make use of. We also provide examples of magical items that are associated with one of the alignments: Church, Old Gods or neutral. The last component are magical animals, a minor animal companion that can occasionally help the Hero.
The next chapter is our sample adventure, The Three Ogre Brothers.
Learn more about BEOWULF: Age of Heroes