But I mean, I think the the Cold War era has obviously appeared in a lot of, a lot of games of different kinds, but I don’t think it’s been as much of a setting as a period in games as, as you would expect it to be. There have been a lot of games, but I think, I mean, because gaming is dominated by fantasy and science fiction, you know, that’s a given. So yes, I think it’s an area of interest to me.
I’m now a Cold War historian and, it was great to be doing games that kind of bring in elements of that history and of the period that I kind of research and going to write about.
I think it’s quite exciting. Like the sort of espionage model is it’s not under-used. You know, we could list out loads and loads of spy games and so on.
But it’s something that really appeals to me in kind of the genre as a whole in wider media is you can’t just storm in killing folks, you know, you can’t. That game, that great game stuff where nobody wants to break cover, nobody wants to reveal anything. And if you do, you kind of lose, right? As soon as you take a definitive action.
You know, the Soviet Union has planned for all of these outcomes, right? It’s that stuff. So you’ve just got to play this really, really canny game. I love that. I think it’s really next level stuff. Really good.
I mean, the thing is about a lot… I’m not disparaging any espionage style games, but, I mean, a lot of games are about, say, espionage in the Cold War era.
They’re not actually about any of the themes and ideas and stuff to do with that. They’re just a game with a list of Cold War era guns, right? You know, there’s, you know, they don’t have the the Cold War and secrecy and trust and tension and hidden agendas aren’t embedded in the game. They’re not driving play and Cold City and Hot War are the opposite of that.
All of these things are embedded into the way the game plays and the mechanics of the games themselves.
Really good. I really, I really want these games. We better fund on the old Kickstarter because I really want to play it like from the book that we’re making. Fingers crossed.
Yeah, fingers crossed.