We’ll be sharing updates from our kickstarter Trials of the Twin Seas for BEOWULF Age of Heroes here, occasionally adapted to be as up to date as possible.
Update One: YOU DID IT
[Jon speaking]
It never ceases to amaze me when a project funds. I know that for many folks Kickstarter has become the norm, or even a bit hum-drum. But for me, the magic is all still here. We’re going to print a book! it’s going to be so lovely!
THANK YOU, and thank you for being here early. Later backers can read this, and know they also have our heartfelt thanks. But YOU get early thanks, you glorious early adopters. We really appreciate your support on day one.
I guess this means we need to talk about stretch goals? The next stop is Spot UV on the cover, to match the BEOWULF core book.
And beyond that we’d love to add some poems by Dave Oliver of Rattlebox Theatre to the book. You may have seen his amazing work in our free introductory adventure for BEOWULF, The Hermit’s Sanctuary.
Add Ons
I wanted to dive right into a key point of this campaign. We have a ton of add ons available. A lot of them are things we have already made, which are useful for BEOWULF in general, including the core setting book.
But in amongst those things are some new stuff, and I dont want you to miss it.
(and hey – I want to be clear – we don’t expect you to grab everything, or indeed anything! But I want to be super sure you don’t miss anything you might actually want and enjoy.)
So fresh for this campaign, alongside the main Twin Seas book are:

Beowulf Story Cards in print. We have these all proofed, and Jacob has a copy and I have a copy. (Although mine has… issues… as ver 1.0) We thought this was an ideal opportunity to get those in bulk and allow everyone who wants a printed deck to get one! You can read how they work here.

There’s also the new and exclusive Twin Seas Inspiration Mat – the prior design from our first campaign is all but sold out, so a new one seemed in order!

The Twin Seas Dice Tray is much the same situation – the previous campaign tray is sold out. If you have one take care of it! It’s more precious than a monkey NFT (is it? Maybe? I dont know)

And the Twin Seas Art Book is another new thing for this campaign.
There’s a bunch of stuff that has been released between our last campaign and this one – we like to keep BEOWULF well supported. I’d draw your attention in particular to the BEOWULF Annual and Art Book. They’re cool.
Book Club
If you backed our last campaign you’ll hopefully remember I like to use updates to make some reccomendations for inspirational reading. And this campaign will continue the tradition.
Our first book club entry for this campaign is:
The Word Hord, Daily Life in Old English by Hana Videen

This is one of those books that’s a pleasure to just dip in and out of. And there’s loads of inspiration for the Old English mindset and world, which is always a help when it comes to writing your own BEOWULF adventures, or just running NPCs.
Presented as a very portable but portly little hardcover, The Word Hord is just packed with fascinating info into historical Anglo-Saxon life. Each section examines an aspect of life and language and gives you lots of historical and cultural info, alongside a bunch of Old English words. I really enjoyed this one.
The Word Hord, Daily Life in Old English by Hana Videen, is published by Profile Books, ISBN 9781788166102
Don’t forget to swing by the discord for a chat! We have a nice friendly community and it’s not too fast moving, so it’s easy to join in. If you’d like to join up, point your browser at www.discord.me/handiworkgamers Give Jacob or me a shout out when you land that you’re a Twin Seas backer, and he’ll give you the keys to the super secret awesome backer channel.
Right that’s it for now. Thank you once again for joining us on this voyage into ADVENTURE (oh my days how brilliant was that voice over on the video? Owen Staton. Time Between Times Storytelling – look him up.)
The Trials of the Twin Seas is now fully funded and unlocking stretch goals on Kickstarter: