Each day during our current Kickstarter campaign to print Trials of the Twin Seas, we’ll share updates here.
Hello! Welcome new backers!
It’s going alright eh? 🙂

So this morning UK time we broke through our first stretch goal – all print books will get a spot UV design on the front (and we’ll probably pick out some other bits and bobs to make shiny too). If you’ve never seen spot UV on a book take a look at this video.
It’s quite hard to replicate in 2d, but here’s an artist’s impression of what the book might look like.

And here’s a look at the design we’re planning to add:

Coming Up…
Coming up next, and we’re closing in on this one fast, we’d like to commission Dave Oliver of www.rattleboxtheatre.com to write us three poems for the book. You might have seen his work in the free intro adventure to BEOWULF The Hermit’s Sanctuary. It’s very good stuff, and I think it’ll really add to the overall magic of the book.

Would you like to help?
Over at the backer discord I’ve mentioned just how helpful your shares of the campaign, or discussion of the adventures, or BEOWULF Age of Heroes, truly are. It really, really helps us carry the word to people who are unaware of BEOWULF and this campaign. Thank you in advance for any shares you can give us, or conversations you can start in your own RPG circles. We’ll keep updating and promoting across the internet, but nothing beats word of mouth.
Book Club
Today’s book is:
The Meadhall by Stephen Pollington

This is a book which I wish I’d picked up much earlier in the process of creating BEOWULF Age of Heroes. It really sums up so much of what we gleaned from a wide variety of sources about the importance of the Meadhall in historical Anglo-Saxon culture, and focuses it in one place. Pollington’s work in general is very good, and well worth your time.
The text is well referenced and pleasingly digestible despite it’s level of rigour.
Like many academic style books this is a Lightning Source print-on-demand title, so is of a relatively basic production quality. But that’s splitting hairs – the text is excellent, and all the diagrams and illustrations are very crisp.
The Meadhall by Stephen Pollington is published by Anglo Saxon Books ISBN 9781898281542
Don’t forget to swing by the discord for a chat! We have a nice friendly community and it’s not too fast moving, so it’s easy to join in. If you’d like to join up, point your browser at www.discord.me/handiworkgamers Give Jacob or me a shout out when you land that you’re a Twin Seas backer, and he’ll give you the keys to the super secret awesome backer channel.
Thanks as ever for your support. Let’s see how far we can take this one!
The Trials of the Twin Seas is now fully funded and unlocking stretch goals on Kickstarter: