The Burn by Malcolm Craig, a setting for The Silver Road is out now exclusively at DriveThruRPG.com
Take the role of one of the Wee Folk as they strive to protect The Burn from pollution, litter and filth.
This setting for The Silver Road takes a dive into childhood memory and local folklore, and encourages you to explore the places of your own childhood through such a lens.
Featuring unique props and models-based art, The Burn is a fascinating experiment in memory and storytelling games.

Inspired by children’s literature such as the Borribles and the Borrowers, with a touch of The Machine Gunners, The Burn was devised and written by Malcolm Craig (a|state, Cold City, Hot War) and illustrated by Jon Hodgson (Dungeons & Dragons, The One Ring RPG) with layout by Paul Bourne (BEOWULF, The One Ring)
The Burn requires The Silver Road rules to play.