The first BEOWULF annual will soon be available to pre-order tomorrow (Thursday 3rd Feb) and all orders come with a free PDF!

This 64 page, full colour softcover book collects together all the written content from the first 8 digital packs for BEOWULF Age of Heroes.

You’ll find new monsters, articles on building characters, new Followers, useful treasures, magical weapons, an example of combat, a sword name generator, things to see at sea, and more!

It will be available in PDF, and if you have already bought Digital Packs 1 to 8 on the day of release, you’ll get the PDF free.

What’s not included
We’ve been selective in what’s in the Annual, focusing on the written gaming content. There are things from the Digital Packs that are not included.
We haven’t added all the battle maps and tokens from the digital packs, since they don’t seem very useful printed in a US-letter-sized book.
The print and play story cards from pack eight aren’t in there either – again they don’t seem very useful printed in a book. No one wants 11 pages of cards to cut out of a book!
There’s no Digital Pack video content included, nor any of the form-fillable PDF character, follower or monster sheets.
And of course the atmospheric background music doesn’t print so well.
This means the digital packs are still well worth your time at the great price of just $2.99 each. Even if you grab the collected Annual!
Find out more about BEOWULF Age of Heroes for 5th Edition here.