a|state – the first overview!
Yes, it’s the news you’ve been waiting for – we’re bringing the second edition of a|state to Kickstarter. A cult hit, built on Forged in the Dark rules, it’s written by Morgan Davie, Malcolm Craig and Gregor Hutton, with art by Paul Bourne, Jon Hodgson and Scott Purdy. And it’s gorgeous…

Get your first full overview of the The City, here.
And if you’d like a taste of what it’s all about, grab the free primer, ‘Nicely, Done’ from DriveThruRPG.

It’s an astonishing setting and we’ve got lots more to share – can’t wait for this to happen!
This week has also seen the anniversary of the launch of BEOWULF: Age of Heroes – and what a massive adventure it’s been!
From warriors and meadhalls to the foam crests the Whale Road, from followers and faithful to monsters and lairs… we’ve battled our way from The Hermit’s Sanctuary right up to facing the fearsome Stoor Wurm – and we’ve lived (hopefully!) to tell the tale.

Jon had a few words to say on the project…
A big mug-thumping thank you to those who have sailed with us – and the physical copies of the core campaign book will be with us very soon.
In the meantime, you can grab the .pdf , and a host of surrounding adventures, from Drive Thru. And there’s a brand new scenario, The Elfshot coming very soon.

Watch this space…
And this week’s HANDIMONSTER is another freebie (honestly, we’re so good to you).

Meet the Thallian Scout, a visitor from another reality, securing its safety with a metallic shell and engraved in runes and wards. It wants information, and beware – it may not take no for an answer…
Our HANDIMONSTERS Patreon starts at £2.50 a month, and brings you a brand new 5e beastie every Monday, complete with full stats, artwork, background and lore. Plus loads of additional info including scenario ideas, maps and a dozen ways to add our monsters to your campaign.
And the best bit? Your players will never have seen them before…

Plus, upper tier backers get paper minis, VTT tokens and all sorts of additional extras!
For more, please do follow us on our Socials!
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