As well as a bunch of our titles being reduced in the Christmas in July sale at DrivethruRPG, we’ve also switched The Silver Road core rules to Pay What You Want!

The Silver Road is the experimental, minimalist storytelling game that powers Maskwitches, In Spoons, The Burn and more upcoming titles. While Maskwitches is a standalone game which includes these rules, you’ll need them to make the most of The Burn and In Spoons, In Knives. And now they’re just that bit more accessible.
Grab your copy today for however much you choose to pay.
And listen, if you’re struggling financially, don’t hesitate to grab a free one. We tend to find the folks who don’t have any money feel worst about getting something without paying. But we’re telling you it’s ok, ok?
Of course, the print book is available on our web store. If you try it and love it, consider a print book.