After dispatching a big trade order of our miniatures, we were reminded of just how great the BEOWULF miniatures set is, and wanted to share some photos.

The miniatures set holds 8 hero models and one large trollish feller. The BEOWULF miniatures are 28mm scale and work really well with the ranges from historical manufacturers like Footsore, Bad Squiddo, Victrix and Gripping Beast. They’re sculpted by Richard Dickens of Cold War Miniatures, who operate from across the water from us in the Kingdom of Fife. The set includes bases and they’re also made for us in Fife by local war-games company Warbases.
Everything else is made here in the UK, from the boxes to the bases to the miniatures which hopefully helps reduce the carbon footprint of our miniatures boxes. Everything is packed by hand.
Find out more about each miniature:
Alys, a princess
Born of royal blood, but fostered to a far away land across the sea, Alys found she did not fit in with the other princesses. More interested in learning to read and write, and the wonders these skills revealed, she spurned the traditional crafts of hospitality and needlepoint and the wifely duties expected of her.
Teaching herself to fight with a sword, she escaped the Nunnery where she had felt so trapped. Now she wanders the world, seeking to help others and uncover the mysteries of this ‘middle earth'.
Alys is a neither follower of the Church, nor a follower of the Old Ways.
Blaedswith - A Karelian Witch
Born into a community of witches from the East, and wise in the ways of copper amulets, charms and talismans, and the speech of animals and ways of medicine, the beliefs of her people were changed by coming of the new faith. Blaedswith viewed this as a grave mistake on the part of the newly converted, as a great deal of old wisdom was scattered and forgotten.
The copper mines and smithies now make crosses bearing the outstretched arms of the new god, which hold no magic against monsters. Abandoning her home in disgust, she has set sail in search of a more useful life.
Blaedswith knows that there is no lasting victory against the darkness, and in the great weave of time, the age of people will suffer a great and permanent defeat before oblivion. It can only be held back, but that is her Wyrd, and the fates demand that as the last of her witch clan she continue the fight against the old horrors that will inevitably eat the world.
Her youth and training in magic make her a both charming and powerful follower of the Old Ways.
Cwenhild The Widow-Matron of the House
When her husband was slain, Cwenhild mourned for a year and then set about putting the affairs of her hall to rights. Ruling wisely and cautiously, she waited for her three sons to come of age and rule her lost husband’s kingdom. Yet, one by one they were taken: as they flowered into men so they were cut down by war or taken away by creatures left over from ancient times. Now she is alone, with no one else to fight the growing abundance of monsters that herald the end of days and the snuffing out of all good things.
But no straw-death for Cwenhil. No longer the spinning wheel nor the pots of the hearth for her. She has bade broken open the barrow and taken up her husband’s mail and his spear. Too long has she spent weeping and awaiting tidings at the edge of the battlefield. Now she will be the bringer of bad tidings to those who take sons and husbands.
Cwenhild is a traditionalist of the old ways. The evidence of the inevitable end of the world is all around her.
Bald Eadig, Wrestling Hero
There are a great many dark places in the world, and the Book teaches that the faithful should bring the light, and with it burn out evil wherever it may be found. Blessed with the barrel-chested strength that comes with middle-age, a distinct lack of hair, and a devotion to the word of the Book, Bald Eadig means to carry the news of the saviour far and wide, and in doing so battle the forces of darkness as an example to all. Where he can’t bring the benefits of writing and contemplation, he will bring his big stick.
Possessed of a simple knowledge and an earthy goodness, Bald Eadig is a fearsome enemy of the darkness. He has helped build priory walls, defended pilgrims, and guarded monks. Now he is setting out on the swan road to find the greatest enemies of the Church - the very devils of hell and the sons of Cain.
Ibn Uthman, The Wandering Warrior-poet of Baghdad
Once a trader and writer, Ibn Uthman was exiled from the lands of his birth for using his prodigious ability with words most unwisely: a tangled financial dispute with a Northern King means that returning to Baghdad and his old life is no longer an option for Ibn Uthman. Resolved to explore the North, Ibn Uthman has found himself far from home.
Telling a tale or two seemed to please the people of these freezing Northlands, and they enjoy his melodious, strange-sounding voice, and his songs from afar. His ability to spin a story has grown with the miles he’s travelled.
Uthman is faithful to the One God, though his version seems somewhat different to those of the Northerners.
Waelfwulf - Doomed Monster-Fighter
When Waelwulf drinks a door is opened in his mind and Tiw, the god of war steps in.
One baleful night, when Waelwulf was barely out of boyhood, roving bandits visited the hall. These false guests demanded the hospitality of the house, and called for drink. As some men will, these fellows commanded all present to keep them company in their cups. Waelwulf did his best to refuse the mead and ale, but as a beardless boy he could not stand up to these men. Not when he was sober at least.
But when he was drunk? Many died. Friend and foe alike fell to his axe. And when his axe broke he used a sword. And when his sword broke he used a knife. And when his knife broke he used his hands.
Cast out by his frightened kin, along with two of the cowed brigands who survived that dreadful night, his secret wish is to die. But it seems he is yet to find a worthy foe capable of doing the deed. It seems he is doomed to battle monsters until at last one overcomes him.
Múthbona the Eater
A hulking brute, with corded muscles bulging under a pale, leathery hide. Its face is flat, with beady red eyes, and great broken tusks protruding from its blood-stained mouth.
Across its back and shoulders can be seen dozens of broken spears, javelins and arrows.
During the long ages spent slumbering in its cave, the troll’s skin has lost all colour, and its flesh is now bleached bone white. This presents a terrifying apparition by torchlight. Despite its size it moves almost silently, looming out of the dark like a hulking blood-mouthed ghost. The Monster primarily wants to feed, after centuries of hungry sleep.
Ham Anfeald, Hero-Sailor
Ham was always too busy ducking and diving to stay long in one place. An orphan from nowhere, he now lives everywhere. By a quirk of fate, Ham discovered that a great deal of treasure is to be found in the lonely dwellings of monsters, and that the good life comes easy when you’re a monster slayer. He gave up his life of trudging the whale-road, carrying cargo for merchants, in favour of the life of a Hero.
No more shaving off a little bit here and there to keep the ship and crew together for Ham. He’d always been a great sailor, and surviving life on the whale-road meant being able to fight. As a Hero he could help people by slaying beasts and get rich.
With his hand-fasted best friend, the mute Bald Haeri, Ham plys the swan-road, turning trouble into gold. Ham is always accompanied by Haeri, as a follower.
Ham has traveled from one end of the Whale Road to the other, and hasn’t seen anything to make him believe in one faith over another.
The Wolf-child
She came out of the Forest in the company of her family. Her wolves. No one knows anything about her. She speaks little, and only at need. Her friends are the wolves. The Wolf Child is always accompanied by her three wolves and her bird-friend.