As you build your kingdom in KING BEOWULF you might well want a visual aid to help you. You might draw a map showing your various scires and their prosperity. You might download one of our maps, (should we fund on kickstarter!)
Or! You might want one of our KING BEOWULF map kits, which will be an add-on at the campaign. These sets will be printed in full colour, on 3mm MDF, laser cut into a beautiful set of tiles. Each tile represents a portion of your kingdom, and has a token slot which represents the prosperity of that particular scir (pronounced “shire” but with an older spelling).
We’ve chosen a really interesting shape that makes a strongly thematic map that you can build up in play. At the end of a session, just take a photo with your phone, and put the pieces away for next time!

Check out the prototype in progress, with bonus Jon waffling:
Find out more about KING BEOWULF here.
Sign up to be notified of the campaign launch here.
Learn more about BEOWULF here.