Written by Marco Rafalà (The One Ring, Star Trek Adventures, Lex Arcana, How Fires End) and illustrated by Jon Hodgson, Horror at Herrogate is a full-length .pdf adventure for BEOWULF: Age of Heroes.

Nightmare lingers at the small fishing settlement of Herrogate, threatening the people and the treasure seat of the lord Thorfinn. Dare you confront the dreadful dréag, the nightstalker, the breaker of bones, the creature unkillable by mortal hands…?
But you’re a Hero. Seriously, how else would you spend your weekend?

The scenario comes with three poster-sized battle maps, tokens for VTT, new Follower cards and separate NPC artwork to show to your players.
If you have time left after all that, catch Jon and Jacob on our blog, talking swords, Vikings, how BEOWULF has gone, and what happens next…

Or you can spend it watching the latest episode of The Hermit’s Sanctuary, from our friends at Campaign Coins. This week, Bald Eadig, still bowed with grief, is going monster-hunting…
Plus: check out some of Jon’s absolutely gorgeous painting. Here are some of our BEOWULF minis…

And a glimpse behind the scenes…

If you’d like to grab EVERYTHING (and we do mean everything) BEOWULF, the Bundle of the Mighty is now available in our store. And this includes the whole BEOWULF experience:
BEOWULF setting and rules (compete with .pdf copy)
BEOWULF compass rose and Inspiration tokens, both by Campaign Coins
BEOWULF Inspiration mat, design by Paul Bourne
BEOWULF dice tray, design by Paul Bourne
BEOWULF real metal miniatures set, figures by Richard Dickens
BEOWULF digital miniatures .stl pack
BEOWULF All Rolled Up, design by paul Bourne
BEOWULF art cards, designs by Jon Hodgson and Paul Bourne

And you can grab them lovely maths rocks as well…

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