BEOWULF Annual 2022 plus free PDF


This 64 page, full colour softcover book collects together all the written content from the first 8 digital packs for BEOWULF Age of Heroes for 5e.

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In the BEOWULF Annual, you’ll find new monsters, articles on building characters, new followers, useful treasures, magical weapons, an example of combat, a sword name generator, things to see at sea, and more!

The Annual features art by Jon Hodgson, Paul Bourne and Scott Purdy and writing by Jacob Rodgers and Jon Hodgson.

The Annual is a US Letter-sized (8.5″x11″), 64 pages long, full colour, softcover.

PDFs are sent via DrivethruRPG coupon within 24 working hours.

Additional information

Weight .32 kg
Dimensions 28 × 21.5 × 0.4 cm

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