Jon Hodgson Sci-fi Backdrops Book A4


32 sci-fi backdrops in a wire-bound softcover book

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An A4, softcover wire-bound book of painted sci-fi landscapes by Jon Hodgson (artist for Warhammer Historical, The One Ring Roleplaying Game, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay) with Paul Bourne (a|state, The One Ring Roleplaying Game). The book is intended to be a tool for miniature painters who want high quality, thematic backdrops to use when photographing their miniatures and models.

The book includes 32 full page scenic backdrops.

Jon Hodgson: “Like a lot of folks, I grew tired of photographing my miniatures against a boring blue board. I tried using landscape photographs, but it made my miniatures and scenery look weirdly stylised and out of place. As an illustrator, with a lot of landscape paintings on hand, it was a natural step to print some paintings and use them as backdrops. And it worked!”

Learn more about using backdrops.

If you’d like to use these backdrops commercially you will need a commercial license.