This licence allows you to make commercial use of the images in the book of Jon Hodgson Winter Backdrops (both A4 and A3) for a small fee.
Each themed backdrop book needs a separate licence.
There are no royalties payable, and provided you abide by the terms of the licence, it is perpetual. There’s no limit on how many projects you can use the book for in photographic and video media, but the licence is limited specifically to those media: it is specifically aimed at figure painters, figure manufacturers, figure retailers, magazines, games involving miniatures, commercial blogs and news outlets, and anywhere that makes money from photographing their miniatures or models.
And being 100% transparent? The point here is that if you make money using our images, we think it’s fair we get some of that money. We don’t want loads of it, we don’t want to make you constantly pay, and it’s about as close to a courtesy payment as we can get it.
You can read the full licence text here.
This agreement is:
Perpetual, meaning there is no expiration or end date on your rights to use the content in new works.
Non-exclusive, meaning that you do not have exclusive rights to use the content. Handiwork Games can licence the content to others.
Worldwide, meaning that the content can be used in any geographic territory.
Limited, meaning you can use the content in an unlimited number of projects, but only in the photographic or video medium.
Royalty-Free, meaning there are no additional payments to be made.
Non-assignable – you cannot sell or give this licence to anyone else. Only Handiwork Games can assign licences.